Tangy Coffee Smoothie

  • Ingredients
    • Coffee (ground or instant)
    • Bananas (1-2)
    • Tangerine (2-4) or orange (1-2)
    • 1 glass water
    • 1 glass milk (or milk alternative for dietary/health reasons)
    • 1/8 tsp ground cinnamon and ginger
  • Pre-preparation (to serve cold)
    • Peel bananas and tangerines/oranges
    • Freeze overnight or place in freezer till cool
    • Brew coffee with cinnamon and ginger in water
    • Skip to step 4 in 'Preparation' section below
  • Preparation
    1. Peel bananas and tangerines/orange and add to blender
    2. Add milk to blender
    3. Brew coffee in water with cinnamon and ginger and add to blender
    4. Blend until smooth
    5. Serve
  • Notes
    • Serves 2-4
    • Add ice if blending fresh and want to consume chilled immediately