My 2018 watch order and thoughts for the Star Wars live action films!
- Watch Order
- Episode I The Phantom Menace
- Episode II Attack of the Clones
- Episode III Revenge of the Sith
- Rogue One
- Solo
- Episode IV A New Hope
- Episode V The Empire Strikes Back
- Episode VI Return of the Jedi
- Episode VII The Force Awakens
- Episode VIII The Last Jedi
- Thoughts
- Prequels - Complacency and assumptions about the Sith returning
- Rogue One - When is the right time to act
- Solo - Who do you want to be
- Original Trilogy - Assumption that the Jedi were fully vanquished
- Sequels - Luke Skywalker the Legend (reliance on the Jedi becomes complacency) vs Darth Vader the Legend (Kylo Ren had the same conflict but not enough relationship with Snoke)